Articles by Kooy Communications
Learn about the top 4 areas of changing HR Law
Look at the beautiful boats and gorgeous water – I could watch this view for hours. No, I’m not on holiday in the Caribbean; this is the view from the Waterfront Banquet and Conference Centre on the Hamilton Waterfront! Being at this venue is always a treat for me, and today I had the opportunity […]
How to master politics at work
Politics at work can be stressful, and it can be a source of conflict among staff. Changing how you think about politics and your approach at work can help you be more successful. This article will highlight the 5 key questions to help you assess your work culture, and how you can best […]
Use these 3 questions to get top talent
Recruiting, interviewing and hiring – THE key steps in business success-read these tips on how to get it right the first time, with 3 questions to get your top talent! Recruiting takes a huge amount of energy – no matter what size organization you are, small, large or in between. There are lots of people […]
How to succeed at Transformational Change
Constant change is common and we adjust almost without thinking about the change. It happens in everything we do and experience, every single day. It happens in our homes, in our communities, in our shopping experience, and in our work environments. Think of traffic patterns, new products, contacts, and you can think of hundreds more […]
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion it has taken place.”
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At Kooy Communications we partner with you to achieve results.
We have over 25 years of experience working with diverse organizations in the top two areas of impact and change: Human Resources Strategy and Project Management.
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